^ | 3-3-10 | medical
Posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 1:49:07 AM by capacommie
Medical said:
"One of my nephews is a Harvard graduate and a former Rhodes Scholar. As a tenured professor at Saint Hugh’s College and a member of the university’s admissions committee, plus a very highly regarded Harvard alumni, “M” has full access to Harvard’s complete physical and electronic student records and he can locate absolutely no transfer records from Columbia, no admission application, no academic records, no photographs, no index records, or any other information about the Usurper in the official files of Harvard. “M” located no “redacted” index information that would indicate the Usurper was ever enrolled or that he received an honorary degree. As you can readily gather from reading the academic background of “M”, he is a very intelligent and competent researcher and analyst who relies on facts. “M” says the Usurper definitely never attended Harvard and anything purporting to show otherwise is a fabrication. This information proves the information Doctor James David Manning discovered about the Usurper never attending Columbia is also true. The Usurper’s entire life history is a total fabrication and he is a complete fraud. By ignoring the critical issue of the Usurper’s false background, Congress and the courts are seriously endangering our nation’s security. DO NOT vote for ANY incumbent politicians, they have proven themselves to be useless parasites who are a danger to our nation!"
YouTube of Dr. Manning –
Notice his "straight from the ground" arm. He must have some of Stretch Armstrong's DNA. Not to mention once again the camera recognizes the messiah in him and makes him crisper than anyone else in the photo. Hand too dark/small.
TOPICS: Cheese, Moose, Sister; Conspiracy; Weird Stuff
KEYWORDS: birthers; certifigate; deception; eligibility; fraud; harvard; ineligibility; obama; schoolrecords; usurper
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Who IS this guy? He's a total fabrication!
To: STARWISE; LucyT; BP2; Fred Nerks
posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 1:51:12 AM
by hoosiermama
(ONLY DEAD FISH GO WITH THE FLOW.......I am swimming with Sarahcudah! Sarah has read the tealeaves.)
To: capacommie
I dont know about Columbia, but I think the claim that he didn’t
attend Harvard is way out there. In the early 90s, the NYT had an
article about his election to the top spot on the Harvard Law Review,
and we did locate the only article he ever published in it.
posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 1:51:55 AM
by freespirited
(We're not the Party of No. We're the Party of HELL NO!!!)
To: capacommie
and the shemale next to him is a morph
This guy is a figment of your imagination, a pigment of your infatuation, a remnant for your indoctrination...
This guy is a figment of your imagination, a pigment of your infatuation, a remnant for your indoctrination...
To: capacommie
He may be a fraud, but he also was pres of the Harvard Law
Review. there are news accounts of the time which report it, as well as
an article he wrote defending affirmative action wherein he wrote that
he was a beneficiary of that program.
To: capacommie
I thought he actually WAS listed as President of the Harvard Law Review and actually DID drop by there from time-to-time.
And there’s at least one guy who swears to having gone to Columbia with him.
And there’s at least one guy who swears to having gone to Columbia with him.
To: capacommie
He is a CIA cutout like his mother. Very very odd. The picture looks totally Photoshopped. Very fake like the fake COLB.
posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 1:53:09 AM
by Frantzie
(TV - sending Americans towards Islamic serfdom - Cancel TV service NOW)
To: capacommie
This is incredibly weird. Is this Mario Apuuzzo the attorney in NJ working with Dr. Manning?
posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 1:55:25 AM
by Frantzie
(TV - sending Americans towards Islamic serfdom - Cancel TV service NOW)
To: capacommie
If this last ObamaCare hurrah comes a cropper, the Dems only hope for survival will be to do some digging of their own.
They’re gonna have to go Brutus on him if they want to save themselves come November.
They’re gonna have to go Brutus on him if they want to save themselves come November.
To: capacommie
0bama was an editor at Harvard.
posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 1:56:10 AM
by Southack
(Media Bias means that Castro won't be punished for Cuban war crimes against Black Angolans in Africa)
To: Frantzie
no way
this is from a blogger posting
manning’s findings are separate
and apuzzo’s blog is just where this post was located
this is from a blogger posting
manning’s findings are separate
and apuzzo’s blog is just where this post was located
To: capacommie
So much of the man is fake but this article doesn’t pass the
smell test. He was president of Harvard Law Review and that’d be
virtually impossible to fake.
To: Southack
nah, he was no editor, editors publish
obama did nothing at all
just like his columbia degree, it was all bought and paid for
obama did nothing at all
just like his columbia degree, it was all bought and paid for
To: DemonDeac
Well, this might be a composite degree, like his life, but he has
no records of a normal student. This should prompt more investigations
To: capacommie
Shadows are different on his face/eyes also. Definately faked.
posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 1:58:51 AM
by 1ofmanyfree
((No jobs, licenses,mortgages,bank accounts or amnesty for any illegal alien criminals ! ))
To: capacommie
Incorrect. 0bama was published, once, at Harvard.
posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 1:58:55 AM
by Southack
(Media Bias means that Castro won't be punished for Cuban war crimes against Black Angolans in Africa)
To: Southack
So they say, an article without an author’s name...
To: capacommie
To: capacommie
Look at this photo.Notice any 'discrepancies'?
To: capacommie
Some of these people are posting from this office..
yes his left hand is amputate, his right has ablack streak by it,
his head it too big, the ball covers that it’s #25 (he always stole his
To: capacommie
Why are some of the most rabid and out-there articles about Obama
posted by newbies? This makes me suspect leftists trying to create
quote worthy items, or Obama’s goons taking a measurement.
To: Paradox
have you seen his transcripts then? Do tell.
To: capacommie
To: capacommie
Total BS. Don’t you have some black helicopters to go shoot down?
To: 999replies
What’s wrong with investigating Ofraud?
To: GovernmentShrinker
What’s wrong with investigating your Ofraud?
To: capacommie
Harvard Law School would not have this guy on their “applications
committee” or “transfer records” from Columbia or make Obama’s
application available to him. Bogus, bogus, bogus.
To: capacommie
0bamas’ hidden records: Why are these off limits?
1 Certified copy of original birth certificate 2 Columbia University transcripts
3 Columbia thesis paper
4 Campaign donor analysis requested by 7 major watchdog groups
5 Harvard University transcripts
6 Illinois State Senate records
7 Illinois State Senate schedule
8 Law practice client list and billing records/summary
9 Locations and names of all half-siblings and step-mother
10 Medical records (only the one page summary released so far)
11 Occidental College Transcripts
12 Parent’s marriage Certificate
13 Record of baptism
14 Selective Service registration records
(Did Obama Actually Register for Selective Service?
This supposed revelation of 0's SS records has been debunked here and here.)
15 Schedules for trips outside of the United States before 2007
16 Passport records for all passports
17 Scholarly articles
18 SAT and LSAT test scores
19 Access to his grandmother in Kenya
20 List of all campaign workers that are lobbyists
21 Punahou grade school records
22 Noelani Kindergarten records are oddly missing from the the State of Hawaii Department of Education.
23 Page 11 of Stanley Ann Dunham's divorce decree.
24 Why isn't Barack Obama still a member of the Illinois bar and where are all of the relevant documents?
25 Why isn't Michelle Obama still a member of the Illinois bar, after only about four years of practice, and where are all of the relevant documents?
Anyone who cares about their country would be very concerned that a POTUS had hidden every scrap of information of his life that he possibly could.
posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 2:05:44 AM
by TigersEye
(It's the Marxism, stupid! ... And they call themselves Progressives.)
To: seekthetruth
posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 2:06:23 AM
by Brytani
(Support Allen West For Congress -
To: capacommie
This is nutcase garbage.
Sure, Obama is a fraud, but trying to sell this kind of crap makes us all look stupid.
Sure, Obama is a fraud, but trying to sell this kind of crap makes us all look stupid.
posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 2:06:31 AM
by Gator113
(Obama is America's First FAILED "light skinned African American [Pres-ent] with no Negro dialect..")
To: capacommie
posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 2:10:27 AM
by smokingfrog
(You can't ignore your boss and expect to keep your job...
To: Fred Nerks
This is the photoshopped picture, absolutely.
If even one is photoshopped, they’re all garbage.
What’s wrong with investigating Ofraud?
This is the photoshopped picture, absolutely.
If even one is photoshopped, they’re all garbage.
What’s wrong with investigating Ofraud?
To: capacommie
posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 2:12:07 AM
by Southack
(Media Bias means that Castro won't be punished for Cuban war crimes against Black Angolans in Africa)
To: Gator113
What’s wrong with investigating Ofraud?
I don’t see any publications from Harvard Law Review, I dont’ see any trancripts, and he obviously never went to Columbia so why would Harvard be legitimate?
I don’t see any publications from Harvard Law Review, I dont’ see any trancripts, and he obviously never went to Columbia so why would Harvard be legitimate?
To: capacommie
It must be just past the full moon for the month.
To: Southack
Well if Medical’s Rhode’s Scholar nephew is correct, and Ofraud
never went to Harvard as a normal student, whatever construct he did
have (and his HLR pic is photoshopped) was probably a composite.
What’s wrong with investigating Ofraud at both Columbia and Harvard?
What’s wrong with investigating Ofraud at both Columbia and Harvard?
To: kaehurowing
Good, then show us his HLR publications and his transcripts and
you’ll disprove any rumors. But still that HLR picture is totally a
To: Fred Nerks
posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 2:15:42 AM
by TigersEye
(It's the Marxism, stupid! ... And they call themselves Progressives.)
To: Fred Nerks
posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 2:16:59 AM
by VRWCTexan
(Obama-scare is the "real" Cash for Clunker Program!)
To: kaehurowing
Then why the photoshopped HLR pic?
To: capacommie
Circulating utter nonsense around the internet isn’t
“investigating”, nor does it suggest any avenue for investigation.
Actually, it’s just a distraction from things we really need to be
focusing on, like the Obama administration’s continuing efforts to
expand socialism, via “health care reform” and “stimulus packages” and
all the other schemes to take socialist advantage of the fear caused by
the current economic climate.
To: capacommie
have you seen his transcripts then? Do tell.No, but then I didn't see Bush's or Clinton's either. In fact, I haven't seen mine...
To: capacommie
The problem isn’t with investigating 0bama, it’s that you
*aren’t* investigating’re just throwing out whatever radical
thoughts you can fantasize up.
0bama was born in Hawaii.
0bama was President of the Harvard Law Review.
You can’t just wish away what’s already been determined.
You need to do far more in-depth research, and far less posting until you’ve triple-verified even minor claims against him, much less the outlandish claims that you throw out at him like “illegal alien!”
0bama was born in Hawaii.
0bama was President of the Harvard Law Review.
You can’t just wish away what’s already been determined.
You need to do far more in-depth research, and far less posting until you’ve triple-verified even minor claims against him, much less the outlandish claims that you throw out at him like “illegal alien!”
posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 2:18:58 AM
by Southack
(Media Bias means that Castro won't be punished for Cuban war crimes against Black Angolans in Africa)
To: TigersEye
Premise: One photoshopped pic means they’re all fake, and that one with the baton sticking up from the ground, is a fake.
To: TigersEye
What’s THAT image supposed to show me? Did you try to find the
group image of Harvard graduates through the link I provided? And why,
out of more than a hundred years, is only the year he ‘graduated’
“...Q: You just gave $20 million to Harvard and another $20 million to Georgetown to advance the study of Islam, and some are concerned that you are trying to increase the on-campus influence of the Saudi royal family, of which you are reportedly the single wealthiest member...”
“...Q: You just gave $20 million to Harvard and another $20 million to Georgetown to advance the study of Islam, and some are concerned that you are trying to increase the on-campus influence of the Saudi royal family, of which you are reportedly the single wealthiest member...”
To: Southack
Southack, show us a paper bc w/a hospital, because HI’s AG says that colb aint it...
That HLR pic is a fake.
No records.
Now this guy says BHO has no records on file either.
That HLR pic is a fake.
No records.
Now this guy says BHO has no records on file either.
To: Fred Nerks
You gave a link and said “try to find a picture.” I did.
posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 2:23:23 AM
by TigersEye
(It's the Marxism, stupid! ... And they call themselves Progressives.)
To: GovernmentShrinker
I beg to differ.
It was due to utterances by Columbia students like Root that more investigations revealed Obama never went there.
It was due to utterances by Columbia students like Root that more investigations revealed Obama never went there.
To: capacommie
You can say it all day long, but that’s just worthless internet chatter.
Go find proof. Note: missing evidence is not evidence.
You’ve got to find substantial proof before you make charges, otherwise we all get to look like fools because you were getting your jollies from the fact that the internet lets anyone say anything at any time.
Yeah, documents are missing. Hey, we all get that. That’s not news.
It doesn’t help our cause, though.
Go find physical evidence, and stop shouting the most radical, random thoughts.
Go find proof. Note: missing evidence is not evidence.
You’ve got to find substantial proof before you make charges, otherwise we all get to look like fools because you were getting your jollies from the fact that the internet lets anyone say anything at any time.
Yeah, documents are missing. Hey, we all get that. That’s not news.
It doesn’t help our cause, though.
Go find physical evidence, and stop shouting the most radical, random thoughts.
posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 2:25:08 AM
by Southack
(Media Bias means that Castro won't be punished for Cuban war crimes against Black Angolans in Africa)
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