Obama continues to cozy up to U.N. gun ban treaty
The National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) is alerting Americans of the commander-in-chief's latest attempt to disarm Americans and their fundamental right to protect themselves.
"When Barack Obama signed the U.N. gun ban treaty last year, he invited global gun banners to carve up our constitutional freedom," NRA-ILA's Dan Weber warns. "Now, Obama is using the full force of the international community to pressure our U.S. senators into replacing our Second Amendment rights with U.N.-style gun control."
Working with socialist-leaning European leaders this month to spur an international movement empowering governments to disarm citizens, Obama is looking to join a global push for gun control.
"Earlier this year, Obama conspired with the European Union to issue an international declaration demanding immediate 'disarmament and arms control' under the United Nations gun ban treaty," Weber reports. "Obama and his anti-gun European allies vowed to ensure every nation's 'entry into force of the Arms Trade Treaty.'"
Obama bypassing senators … again?
After seeing potential obstacles ahead, Obama has again set his eyes on fast-tracking his agenda by reportedly bypassing the checks and balances by which he vowed to uphold as president.
"And that's not all," Weber continued. "In a meeting of non-governmental organizations and U.N. officials, Obama's Assistant Secretary of State declared that the White House is 'already implementing the treaty' without Senate ratification!"
NRA-ILA executive director Chris Cox warns Americans that this latest straight-arm by the president to push past the democratic process once again is no ruse.
"Make no mistake," Cox exhorts Americans. "If the U.S. Senate fails to stand strong against the U.N. gun ban treaty and fight back against every backdoor attempt by the Obama administration to implement it, we will lose our gun rights and effectively lose our national sovereignty."
Weber explains why he considers this latest move by the White House so dangerous to Americans who understand the importance of the fundamental right to bear arms and the dire nature of the government's move to render its citizens defenseless.
"That's because the U.N. gun ban treaty would establish a permanent international gun control bureaucracy within the U.N. Office for Disarmament Affairs to oversee and influence gun policy in all nations," Weber points out.
In addition to stripping away Americans' right to protect themselves, he believes the international treaty would invade the privacy of the remaining citizens who manage to still possess firearms.
"It would also set the stage for an international gun registration system which in turn could pave the way for the eventual banning and confiscation of firearms," Weber informs. "In fact, under the treaty's guidelines, the United States government could be required, as a condition of importing firearms from other countries, to provide the exporting countries with the most sensitive, personal information of American gun owners."
Point of no return?
Cox insists that if Americans stand blindly by as Obama attempts this move, they will see their constitutional rights swept out from under their feet … again.
"Gun owners and freedom-loving Americans need to remind their senators that they work for us, NOT Barack Obama and NOT international gun ban zealots," says Cox. "And the best way we can do that is by signing NRA's official petition to the U.S. Senate."
According to Cox, the NRA has battled for more than 15 years against the adoption of the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty so that it won't trample the Bill of Rights that have been upheld in America for centuries.
"In all of that time [the past 15 years], we've never faced a president as dangerous as Barack Obama who is willing to lock arms with international tyrants against you, me and our constitutional freedom," the NRA-ILA spokesman contends.
Cox insists that Americans' national sovereignty and Second Amendment freedom have never been more in jeopardy than now. He stresses that if the Senate isn't persuaded to stand up to the president against his push for the U.N. treaty, America could hit the point of no return.
"If the U.N. gun ban treaty is ever ratified into law, or implemented by Obama behind the scenes, we may never get a second chance to save the Second Amendment," Cox concludes.
Copyright OneNewsNow.com. Reprinted with permission.
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