Religion, Politics, & Global Security. | |
Topic Started: Mar 10 2015, 10:55 PM (1,265 Views) | |
HPT-8 | Mar 10 2015, 10:55 PM Post #1 |
g+ might be deleted by Google at anytime, and i dont really like facebook. this is relevant for sure A blog is a webpage where people post about stuff they care about, but i care about a lot of stuff. The ignorance about what allowed the United States to exist and prosper so amazingly, is reaching a turning point. This world can be very dangerous place. The following report is what 99% of the world thinks right now about global security. It's 330 pages long. Think that stuff doesn't matter? There will always be wars, and philosophies for illusory human power and wealth. It's in our hearts. Leaders can mitigate suffering and allow innovation, but some people would rather go back to barbarism, than allow technology to solve problems. We call those environmentalists. Amoral humanist or universalist philosophers like Obama might appear the solution, but in reality they are the problem. A terrorist or nationalist is predictable. They will train children to kill in Palestine. They will use billions of dollars to hack in to steal F-35 plans while peasants starve in China. They will follow a religious system that says kill anyone to get to Heaven; or increase the killing for the "mahdi" to come. They will have nuclear arms races, like in India, Pakistan and China. There will be wars until the end. We can prepare for those people and "win without fighting" or without much dying, as the Chinese Communist Party hopes to on Taiwan. But to deny the obvious nature of the world, is a big problem. The deniers totally lack the Truth and will always fail to mitigate suffering. 2015 Global Defense Index (Heritage Foundation, 330 pages) full pdf: Our short lives and circumstances seem to be supreme or ultimate and defining. But there is something else that determines everything. My true God means holiness, (justice and love?) Nothing i could ever do could compare, bad or good. That is why Jesus said, his burden was light, he was the Truth. To love your neighbor. And because of him I am not afraid. world systems, pop culture all say, if they say anything at all -is that ANYTHING and everything but that Truth is OK. why? The danger is not believing in nothing, the danger is believing in anything. Satan does not care by which lie we are deceived, sex, drugs, or rocknroll. It's all the same to him, distract people from Christ. He knows his destiny is in Hell. But the party doesnt stop until Jesus says. There is no hope for him and his demons. There is for any person living. |
HALO PC c.2009 choose not to organize choose not to make teams and captains official choose not to post no-alias PCRs showing map of every win on a monthly thread. GAMING choose not to support a community voice server and our "brand" and site first. choose not to have a growing and unique gaming team, even after a thousand players and 10+ years. choose to totally waste your time. There comes a time when you choose sides. Forget about good, evil, heaven, hell, God, Jesus and salvation, forget about truth, derived authority, and moral law; forget about dignity, productivity, family, rule of law and economics. Liberalism/ progressivism, secularism/ humanism, socialism, communism, Darwinian marco-evolution/ racism/ materialism/ animism, pantheism, sexuality as religion, abortion, murder, authoritarianism, cultism, nihilism, and atheism: they are your God now. Halo Custom Edition Halo Reach Halo 4 Planetside 2 | |
HPT-8 | Mar 11 2015, 09:26 PM Post #2 |
sure would love to get some xbox halo on with you skyson. If only there were 168 more hours in the week and Planetside 2 wasnt already the best video game available. Progressive-Liberalism is Naturalism / Materialism / Atheism dressed in the lies of Moral Relativism / Universalism. If there is no creator God, and amoral evolutionary processes created life, we all all super germs with no free will to choose anything, only animal-like instincts and pretenses of morality. I disagree. source: Logic is an immaterial process that requires an immaterial objective reality to exist (God). No such thing as transcendent truth you say? But you just asserted that AND infinite knowledge (God). on the Iranian Nuclear accord: Progressive Liberal philosophers present a false choice between appeasement and conflict with Iran because they reject moral authority. There is a third choice -inspired or resolute posture. Obama rejects transcendent truth and moral authority in order to condone the abortion, frivolous sexuality, and marxist communism (Obama-care, et al), of the left, which are all immoral and destructive. Willful ignorance or indifference towards jihad and anti-semitism are other results. The Progressive pretense of morality is evil. They can't understand criminality, rule of law and "just war" because moral relativism in the secular humanist / materialistic naturalist worldview precludes free will! If evolution is true, and there is no God, no hierarchical organization to everything, but billions of years, people are nothing but over complex slugs with no free will! Really? Only animal instincts with no eternally valuable souls to consider? It is nihilistic, it is racist and controlling in its core philosophy. And it is escapist, no reality, no truth, no justice, no economy, only added human suffering from bad human leadership. The previous 50 year long Cold War (1947-91) against globalism (communist variety) was won because of the resolve and moral authority of the United States leaders, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Ford, Reagan. They were against the inherently controlling philosophy of marxism. They had major conflicts in Korea and Vietnam where millions died on both sides*. They went to the moon to prove they could. They invented this internet. Bush and Bush continued the tradition. World War III seemed inevitable in 1962, according to history and human nature, but MAD and relative peace through relative strength happened instead. President Obama did not get the memo. The residual decay of communism is apparent in North Korea, Russia, and China today, many countries. The oppression in Eastern Europe during that time is well documented. The real basis of logic and reality is Jesus Christ, the literal truth. All the world systems of Satan distract from Him on purpose. Jesus said to love God with all your heart and to love your neighbor. But he said not to be deceived, he will bring the sword. Matthew 10:34 “Don’t think I’ve come to make life cozy. I’ve come to cut—make a sharp knife-cut between son and father, daughter and mother, bride and mother-in-law—cut through these cozy domestic arrangements and free you for God. Well-meaning family members can be your worst enemies. If you prefer father or mother over me, you don’t deserve me. If you prefer son or daughter over me, you don’t deserve me. (The Message translation) *Korean War (1950-53) military casualties estimate U.S. 36,574 killed U.S. 103,284 wounded South Korea 217,000 killed +1,000,000 civilians North Korea 406,000 killed +600,000 civilians China 600,000 killed Vietnam War (1955-75) U.S. 58,303 killed U.S. 303,644 wounded South Korea 5,099 killed South Korea 10,962 wounded South Vietnam 300,000 killed +300,000 civilians South Vietnam wounded 1,170,000 North Vietnam 1,000,000 killed +50,000 civilians North Vietnam 600,000 China 1,100 killed China 4,200 wounded Soviet Union 16 killed Gulf War Chechen War (I and II) Iraq war Afghanistan War |
HALO PC c.2009 choose not to organize choose not to make teams and captains official choose not to post no-alias PCRs showing map of every win on a monthly thread. GAMING choose not to support a community voice server and our "brand" and site first. choose not to have a growing and unique gaming team, even after a thousand players and 10+ years. choose to totally waste your time. There comes a time when you choose sides. Forget about good, evil, heaven, hell, God, Jesus and salvation, forget about truth, derived authority, and moral law; forget about dignity, productivity, family, rule of law and economics. Liberalism/ progressivism, secularism/ humanism, socialism, communism, Darwinian marco-evolution/ racism/ materialism/ animism, pantheism, sexuality as religion, abortion, murder, authoritarianism, cultism, nihilism, and atheism: they are your God now. Halo Custom Edition Halo Reach Halo 4 Planetside 2 | |
vodka! | Mar 27 2015, 07:50 PM Post #3 |
jonny shazaam jphish balla those my real niggas edit: I forgot Masood.
Edited by vodka!, Mar 29 2015, 09:17 AM.
xfire: soccerplaya6922 | |
low | Mar 28 2015, 12:32 AM Post #4 |
how will it feel when youre dead and theres no god? |
tequila: I went upstairs and then I continued to pull the ladder and gave backtap and went above tequila: google translator xer0xxx: i have a uncle that lives in atlanta georgia xer0xxx: u know? superman bitch: yes superman bitch: atlanta is far xer0xxx: my uncle say "much niggers" xer0xxx: idk y | |
HPT-8 | Mar 28 2015, 02:49 PM Post #5 |
humanist atheism rejects God, defined by the Bible as: Self existing: not caused by another; the foundation of all being. Infinite: unlimited; the completely maximized or actualized Being. Simple: undivided in being, not made up of parts. Immaterial: spirit; not made of matter Spaceless: transcends space Timeless: transcends time, eternal; had no beginning and will have no end Omnipotent: all powerful; can do whatever is logically possible Omnipresent: everywhere present Omniscient: all knowing; knows actual and possible states of affairs Immutable: changeless; the anchor and standard by which everything else is measured. Holy: set apart; morally perfect; is perfectly just and loving Personal: has mind, emotion, and will; makes choices. And humanist atheism attempts to explain: the existence of the universe the beginning of the universe the precision of the universe the laws of nature the laws of logic the laws of mathematics information (DNA) life mind and consciousness objective morality evil. Page xxi,xxiv. 'Stealing from God' by Frank Turek. Top 10 Why President Obama is a traitor to the United States & betrayer of global security and economy. 1. Blatant betrayer of Israel (the most advanced economy and only democracy in the mid-east) 2. Mid-East power vacuum, total Iraq withdrawal in 2009, compounding Sunni-Shia conflict. 3. Passivity regarding Iran and complicit in nuclear weapons proliferation. 4. Afghanistan policy schizoid, Berghdal trade. Multi-nation drone /SOF campaign with no clear ideology. 5. Total lack of leadership regarding Chinese afronts to Japan, South Korea, and internet theft from American business 6. Indifferent to Russian invasion of Ukriane. 7. Failure to secure southern U.S. border, immigration policy for skilled workers 8. Unproductive U.S. monetary policy: wasteful bailouts, zero fed rate prolonged, no nationwide response to housing collapse in 2008 No new trade deals with Mexico or South American nations or in East Asia. 9. Communist policy (Obama-care, -net, common core) totally anathema to innovation and growth. Encouraging authoritarian bureaucratic control of citizens and destruction of first freedoms. 10. No moral leadership at home, family, marriage, abortion, racism, education, Christian values. God judged the United States with Obama. We are each personally to blame and the next elected leader could be worse. (natural calamity or foreign attack) Personal repentance and prayer to God are the only hope for our country, since day 1. |
HALO PC c.2009 choose not to organize choose not to make teams and captains official choose not to post no-alias PCRs showing map of every win on a monthly thread. GAMING choose not to support a community voice server and our "brand" and site first. choose not to have a growing and unique gaming team, even after a thousand players and 10+ years. choose to totally waste your time. There comes a time when you choose sides. Forget about good, evil, heaven, hell, God, Jesus and salvation, forget about truth, derived authority, and moral law; forget about dignity, productivity, family, rule of law and economics. Liberalism/ progressivism, secularism/ humanism, socialism, communism, Darwinian marco-evolution/ racism/ materialism/ animism, pantheism, sexuality as religion, abortion, murder, authoritarianism, cultism, nihilism, and atheism: they are your God now. Halo Custom Edition Halo Reach Halo 4 Planetside 2 | |
HPT-8 | Mar 31 2015, 07:00 PM Post #6 |
#46 5 topics> Arab GCC air campaign in Yemen, support by US intel & logistics Yemen is the regions poorest nation. Mountainous terrain & Houthi tribalism will be a quagmire for ground forces. - Sunni and Shia have been at war since the day Muhammad died in 632 AD How much will Egyptian* "we will never turn our backs on America" President al Sisi support Saudi Arabia (Sunni/Wahabbi) in containing Iranian (Shia) militia, e.g. Houthis in Yemen? The Iranian Shia "crescent" from Tehran to Baghdad(Iraq) to Damascus(Syria) to Beruit(Lebannon) is also fighting Sunni Al Qaeda and Islamic State in all those places. Turkey is majority Sunni, but seems more concerned with its Kurdish population than anything. Kurdistan would exist in Armenia, Syria, Iran, Iraq and Turkey. *Egypt supposedly has a robust tourism industry supported by Christian Arab residents. The Islamic world is much larger than the countries mentioned, from Africa to Russia (Azerbajan, Chechyna, Daghestan) to China to Indonesia. The Islamic religion is mentioned a lot, but finance and military (monarchy) structure in the Mid-east is at least as important. Usama Bin Laden's post 9-11 goals were to remove the US from Saudi Arabia, reclaim Spain for Muslims, destroy Israel and destroy the United States. Secular Humanists, like Obama must believe Iranian religious leaders share their priorities, or simply want military parity with Israel and Saudi Arabia, when they certainly do not. Iranian religious views are explicitly violent, concerning the 12th Imam, and global Shia domination, a "religion of peace" through total war. I think both Sunni and Shia Islam are arguably millenarian, they believe human activity can precipitate a Messiah on Earth. That is not the Christian view, it is the opposite. Though the Catholic Church is ecumenical, or globally minded, in its religion e.g. prayer beads are common to Hinduism, Islam and Catholicism. Catholicism being generally unbiblical, of course. Average Muslims who are taught about modern Crusaders or a Zionist Hindu could turn the middle east into a sheet of glass, if it really wanted. Poor tribal people in the mid-east are actually more concerned with feeding their goats, than global power. Their communities are ancient and very local community minded in a shame/honor system. Since their religious, governmental, and cultural system is unified, they assume ours is. They disdain Christianity because they equate it with Hollywood, assuming they are the same. True Christianity is knowledge of God, and love towards people. Obama may support cutting military pensions 20% USN Hospital ship Comfort on 5 month humanitarian mission to South America. CO relieved of command Expert recruiters share secrets Flying, swimming sub hunting drone Military Movies March Madness |
HALO PC c.2009 choose not to organize choose not to make teams and captains official choose not to post no-alias PCRs showing map of every win on a monthly thread. GAMING choose not to support a community voice server and our "brand" and site first. choose not to have a growing and unique gaming team, even after a thousand players and 10+ years. choose to totally waste your time. There comes a time when you choose sides. Forget about good, evil, heaven, hell, God, Jesus and salvation, forget about truth, derived authority, and moral law; forget about dignity, productivity, family, rule of law and economics. Liberalism/ progressivism, secularism/ humanism, socialism, communism, Darwinian marco-evolution/ racism/ materialism/ animism, pantheism, sexuality as religion, abortion, murder, authoritarianism, cultism, nihilism, and atheism: they are your God now. Halo Custom Edition Halo Reach Halo 4 Planetside 2 | |
low | Mar 31 2015, 08:09 PM Post #7 |
funny guy sam |
tequila: I went upstairs and then I continued to pull the ladder and gave backtap and went above tequila: google translator xer0xxx: i have a uncle that lives in atlanta georgia xer0xxx: u know? superman bitch: yes superman bitch: atlanta is far xer0xxx: my uncle say "much niggers" xer0xxx: idk y | |
HPT-99 | Mar 31 2015, 08:25 PM Post #8 |
i missed your topics sam. Welcome back |
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HPT-8 | Mar 31 2015, 09:24 PM Post #9 |
our country aborts 3,000 babies per day. it is 18 thousand billion dollars in debt. the President wants a tiny middle east state sponsor of terrorism to have nuclear weapons Indiana passes a law suggesting religious disputes have the right to fair trial and people go nuts against it. |
HALO PC c.2009 choose not to organize choose not to make teams and captains official choose not to post no-alias PCRs showing map of every win on a monthly thread. GAMING choose not to support a community voice server and our "brand" and site first. choose not to have a growing and unique gaming team, even after a thousand players and 10+ years. choose to totally waste your time. There comes a time when you choose sides. Forget about good, evil, heaven, hell, God, Jesus and salvation, forget about truth, derived authority, and moral law; forget about dignity, productivity, family, rule of law and economics. Liberalism/ progressivism, secularism/ humanism, socialism, communism, Darwinian marco-evolution/ racism/ materialism/ animism, pantheism, sexuality as religion, abortion, murder, authoritarianism, cultism, nihilism, and atheism: they are your God now. Halo Custom Edition Halo Reach Halo 4 Planetside 2 | |
vo0 | Mar 31 2015, 10:21 PM Post #10 |
nothings changed it seems, still a complete and utter idiot |
Grylon | Apr 1 2015, 07:42 AM Post #11 |
i live for the responses to his posts. |
Louie | Apr 1 2015, 09:21 AM Post #12 |
I thought the law was that business owners could turn away homosexuals because it makes them uncomfortable? |
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HPT-636 | Apr 1 2015, 12:36 PM Post #13 |
this is why some people think the civil rights act is a shitty piece of legislation you cant turn someone away for their race, but you can on their orientation. you should be allowed to turn away both |
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deSAAAANT | Apr 1 2015, 03:18 PM Post #14 |
I'm talkin middle of the mall like a pita, man | |
Opeth | Apr 1 2015, 05:49 PM Post #15 |
great tea master sen no rikyu
lol why's that |
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