Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Evolution of the Muslim Brotherhood

The Evolution of the Muslim Brotherhood

The third Jihad began some five hundred years after Suleiman in the mid 1900’s. Perhaps, the three most important Muslim political activists that formulated the philosophical platform from which Al Qaeda, Jamaa’atul-Jihad, Hamas, Hezbollah and other radical groups have sprung, are Hasan al-Banna, Sayyid Qutb, and Abu Alaa Maududi. These are the fathers of the Third Jihad. These are the Muslim thinkers that have spurred their third attempt at global conquest.
Hasan al-Banna (1906-1949) was a Sufi thinker and the founder of the al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun (The Muslim Brotherhood), which was founded in Egypt in 1928. Hasan al-Banna was initially motivated by the negative impact of western colonialism, which dominated Islamic countries, and by the social injustices inherent to their political subjugation during the British occupation. He formulated a highly clandestine group to combat the westernization of Islamic culture and the colonialist oppression. Ironically, it was their hatred of western colonialism that has ignited their bid to colonize the world once again.
Their plan to colonize the world is being orchestrated through three clever and efficient venues. The most obvious is their terrorist aggression. But, their most dangerous is their emigration tactic. Millions of Muslims have emigrated throughout the western nations to carry their religio/political message and to undermine the democratic governments from within. The third tactic is the financial war against the west. Each day the profits of western economies are being drained to the Islamic nations through the gas pump.
 The Muslim Brotherhood drew up a new national constitution for an Islamic society, which sought to unify Muslims, after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, and the disbanding of the caliphate, which took place in 1924. The Caliph is the supreme ruler of Islam’s autocratic form of government. All modern Muslim Jihadist movements seek to reinstall the Caliphate and bring the Muslim flag to rule over all nations of the world.
Hasan al-Banna opposed secularization, but he was not a fundamentalist in the Sunni or Shia sense. His book Muthakkiraatud-Da’wah clearly delineates his Sufi tendencies. Nevertheless, he championed a return to the Islamic Shari’a Law and the ousting of western culture from all Islamic territory.
But, the Muslim Brotherhood was more concerned with uniting the people and establishing a power structure, than with keeping to a fundamentalist understanding of Islam. Therefore, they were less concerned with such things, as opposing polytheism, or the prevalent superstitious and occult tendencies rampant in the general Muslim public, which deeply concern the fundamentalist Salafists (Sunni). For this reason, many of the fundamentalists have maligned their policy of accommodation, for the sake of political expediency.
 Sayyid Qutb, who was also in al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun (The Muslim Brotherhood), was not strictly a Muslim fundamentalist either. His strange mixture of Marxist and Muslim thoughts were light-years away from the traditional Muslim interpretations. His syncretic approach to the merging of the ideology of Nietzsche, Marx, Heidegger, and his innovative interpretations of the Koran, brings him to the very same syncretic table as al-Banna.
It may be said that Qutb, more than any other Muslim thinker, is responsible for raising the modern terrorist ideology of Islam, declaring global Jihad against the entire world. It is fair to say that his writings, more than any other modern Muslim thinker, have reawakened the ideology of global Jihad and the influence of the communist revolution in Russia in no small way contributed to much of his thinking.
His overriding theme was the capture of political power. Moreover, his manipulation of the Islamic religion for his pragmatic goals was simply designed to allow him to function within the particular culture he lived in. But, he repudiated many Islamic notions and incorporated much of the modernist and Marxist ideology into his brand of Islam. As a matter of fact, Qutb refused to pray the obligatory Friday congregational Muslim prayer, citing that it was no longer binding due to the fact that Islam did not have a Caliph.
 The British had restructured the Middle East eliminating the caliph after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, essentially dividing the land into the modern Islamic States of our present day. This in no small part has contributed to the frustration that has led to the aggression found in the present Muslim world.
 Nevertheless, westerners must understand that this is not the real root of the terrorist ideology of Islam as proposed by many of our myopic political pundits, which fail to understand this underlying globalist agenda within the Koran. No doubt it added fuel to the fire, but it was not, nor is it today, the real motivation behind the Jihadist movement.
They fail to understand the message in the Koran and the history of Islam. The goal of Islam has been from the very beginning to conquer the world for Allah. The First Jihad was the initial military conquest precipitated by Muhammad, which swept eastward through Asia Minor and India, and westward through North Africa, Spain and finally stalled in France.
The Second Jihad led by Suleiman the Magnificent invaded Europe from the east conquering the Byzantine Empire and the Christian city of Constantinople. He penetrated into Greece and southern Europe, stalling in Vienna. Had Vienna fallen, all of Europe would have become Muslim. America would not have been born as we know it today. The Great American experiment created from the foundation of the principles drawn from the Judeo-Christian worldview would not have happened.
The Third Jihad is the present movement for global domination. At its basic core, it has nothing to do with colonialism from the west. It is a continuation of their basic globalist ideology, which has been at the core of their religion from the very beginning. It is the result of the return of Islam to a literal interpretation of the Koran.
 Colonialism may have been the spark that ignited the fire, but it was not the fuel that gave power to the flame. Nevertheless, Qutb effectively used it to attack secular Muslim governments and promote his call for a Third Jihad. By this time, most members of the Muslim Brotherhood were Sunni.
The Muslim Brotherhood established in Egypt was subsequently severely persecuted for its attempts to overthrow the secular government of Gamel Abdel Nasser in Egypt. When Qutb was executed in 1966, most of the leadership fled into exile in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Algeria, Syria, Morocco, Canada and the United States, where many still reside today.
Believe it or not, some came to America and established Islamic organizations, from which to fund their terrorist activities. These have successfully functioned from the United States, Canada and Saudi Arabia, and have provided active leadership for Hamas (Hrakat al- Muqawama al-Islamiyya), which is the Palestinian wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, established in Gaza in 1987.
The leadership of the Palestinian wing (Al-Jamiya Al-Islamia) was comprised of such notable men as Ahmed Yassin (who was later executed by the Israelis in March of 2004 for his terrorist activities), and Abdullah Azzam (who is Osama bin Laden’s mentor). The group has steadily gained preeminence over the affairs of the Palestinians, overshadowing Yasser Arafat’s group.
In January of 1963 several members of the Muslim Brotherhood, which had immigrated to the U.S. began the Muslim Student Association (MSA) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Today MSA chapters are found in most of the leading university throughout the United States and Canada. Through financial contributions to many of these universities this organization thrives in an environment, which can recruit members for their global Jihad and control or manipulate the content of the textbooks in regards to Islam.
Courses on Near Eastern Studies have been funded to promote their deceptive propaganda, which cleverly claims to attempt to bridge our Judeo-Christian culture with Islamic culture. The truth is that this is only a tactic, a ruse, to buy them time to infiltrate with numbers large enough to carry out their real agenda; the establishment of Shari’a Law over all nations.
In May of 2007 the United States filed a document naming several co-conspirators as organizations involved in the financing of millions of dollars to Hamas. Named in the case were the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), which are intimately connected with another Muslim group called CAIR.
The ISNA is an umbrella organization for Arab oriented Mosques in the United States and Canada. It was started in July of 1981 under the address 655 South County Road 750 East, Plainfield Indiana. This is exactly the same address, which was used in the incorporation of the Muslim Student Association in August of 1971, and so did the Holy Land Foundation, which was also named, as a co-conspirator in this case.
The connection between these groups and terrorist organizations is deep. For example the Islamic Association of North America was established by the Muslim Student Association with the help of one of the founding students of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, named Sami Al-Arian. The PIJ was formed by a group of students in Egypt, which felt that the Brotherhood of Islam was not violent enough, if you can imagine that?
Sami Al-Arian was also involved in the creation of another organization, which was incorporated in Illinois called the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), with the future Hamas leader, Mousa Abu Marzook. This organization serves as the American propaganda arm for Hamas.
The North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) was founded in 1971 but incorporated in May of 1973. The individuals listed in the incorporation papers; Jamal Barzinji and Hisham Al-Talib are tied to Saudi resources that amount to billions of dollars. This organization in essence safeguards the assets and real estate of such organizations as the MSA and ISNA, by holding them in “waqf”, or Islamic charitable endowments. These are said to contain, somewhere between one quarter to one half of all the Mosques in the Unites States. Additionally NAIT controls many Muslim children’s schools.
Most Muslim organizations in North America are simply puppets of the Muslim Brotherhood. These are used as fund raising organizations that funnel millions to the radical wings to wage Jihad. The arms of the Muslim Brotherhood have reached deep into North America and most Americans and Canadians have absolutely no idea of the venom that is silently festering in their own backyard.
 Their arms have also reached to many other important Islamic nations to promote their global Jihad. Pakistan is of extreme importance, as it is presently the only Islamic nation with nuclear capabilities. Therefore, the Muslim Brotherhood has also been quite active in Pakistan to overturn their secular government. Abu Alaa Maududi was a founder of an Islamic sect in Pakistan called Jama’at-I Islami.
 Maududi also promoted a syncretic Islamic revolutionary viewpoint, which focused primarily on the establishment of an Islamic government, upon the whole world. His overriding global ambition caused him to also become pragmatically oblivious to many polytheistic and mystical, superstitious, and occult tendencies in his adherents.

These are the Shiites:

The Mahdi is supposed to be a direct descendent of Muhammad’s son-in-law Ali. According to Shiite doctrine, only the descendents of Ali are viewed as the appropriate successors of Muhammad, and this is the main bone of contention between the Sunni and Shiite sects.
The arrival of the Islamic Mahdi is expected to trigger a global war that will, cleanse the earth of the infidels and establish a messianic age of peace, with the Mahdi ruling the entire earth under Shari’a law from Jerusalem. This, they believe, is a historical process, whose date of fulfillment is not predetermined. That is, it can be hastened through faithful Jihad creating apocalyptic chaos and violence, which would precipitate the coming of the Mahdi.

And Ahmadinejad has openly stated, ‘Our revolution’s main mission is to pave the way for the reappearance of the Twelfth Imam, the Mahdi.’ One Western reporter conveyed that Ahmadinejad may have told his cabinet that the Mahdi will arrive within the next two years. From his statements it is clear that the Iranian President sees that it is within man’s power to facilitate this process of the end days. But, how exactly is the Mahdi’s arrival to be accelerated?
For Ahmadinejad, the destruction of Israel is one of the key global developments that will trigger the appearance of the Mahdi. It was on Iran’s annual ‘Jerusalem Day’ on October 26, 2005, that Ahmadinejad made his famous reference to the need to ‘wipe Israel off the map.’ What did not receive the same attention was another part of his speech in which he said, ‘We are now in the process of an historical war between the World of Arrogance [i.e. the West] and the Islamic world. He then added that ‘a world without America and Zionism’ is ’attainable.’ Thus, Ahmadinejad was talking about a war against the U.S. and its Western Allies.” (The Fight for Jerusalem, Dore Gold, Regnery Publishing, Washington DC, 2007, pg. 232)(Emphasis mine)

In his speech at the United Nations General Assembly, he closed with a prayer for the hastening of the arrival of the Mahdi. To my utter astonishment, he received a standing ovation by many in the mesmerized crowd. Either they are utterly stupid, or dumb as a fox.
If the reader has any doubts as to the intentions of the Iranian nuclear program, I suggest we ought to listen to dictators, when they speak with such conviction. Had we done that with Hitler, we might have been able to stop him before embroiling the whole world in a lethal and disastrous World War. Millions of innocent lives could have been spared.
But, do not for one moment think that the expectation of the Mahdi is a unique Shiite phenomenon. It has been part of the Sunni experience, as well. Moreover, there are many verses in the Hadith that refer to the coming of the Mahdi. As a matter of fact, part of the energy of the initial Islamic conquests after Muhammad was based on the apocalyptic expectation that they were eradicating evil by killing the infidels and preparing the world for the arrival of the Mahdi. This is what Jihad is all about.
 In the Sunni account, the Mahdi begins his global conquest from a region in Central Asia, called Khurasan, which refers to a broad swathe of land including Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Iran. According to them, he will raise an army with a black banner and conquer westward, until reaching Jerusalem.
 The Hadith states, “Black flags will go out of Khurasan and nothing shall thwart them until they are firmly hoisted in Iliya.” Iliya is derived from the Roman name given to Jerusalem, Aelia Capitolina, when the Hebrew temple was destroyed and a Roman temple to the god Jupiter was erected in its place.

The Globalist Mandate from the Koran and the Hadith

Having said all that, the reader must understand that all three of the major sects of Islam share the same globalist notion of bringing the entire planet under Islamic Law. The false notion bandied about by our modern media that these terrorist actions are the result of a minority of radical Muslims is deceiving the western world from the true aims of the vast majority of those who proclaim the Muslim faith.
This global/imperialist/colonialist aspiration is part and parcel of the Koranic call to rule the world by the power of the sword. Those few moderate Muslims that have repudiated this aspect of Islam are in fact in opposition to the literal teachings of the Koran and to the Tradition set forth in the Hadith and Jima.
At the very center of their motivation for conquest there is a predatory mentality, which is anathema to God, and in complete antithesis to the true character of the One True God. The flagrant human abuses condoned and even promoted by Islam are unequivocally evil in the eyes of Jehovah.
We can cite Islam’s complete break with the One True God’s sense of justice in the brigandry and rapacious deeds that became the central core of Jihad. Muhammad conveniently received a revelation from Allah that changed the longstanding Arabic custom that upheld the centrality of the bond of kinsmen and replaced it with the bond now created by their religious affiliation with Islam. Jihad was now seen as part of the religious duty of every Muslim to conquer and subjugate militarily all non-Muslims, even if they are kinsmen.
From the time of Ishmael, the bond of kinsmen was the most important element of the Arab community. The importance of the family unit is a universally accepted tradition, stemming from the time of Adam. But the Prophet dramatically changed this through his revelations.
The bond of kinsmen was replaced with the theological bond of their new warrior religion. Thus, his new revelation legitimized brutal attacks on caravans, even those owned by their kinsmen.
After this timely revelation the Muslim Arabs dutifully ambushed their kinsmen capturing their goods, women and animals. During these raids, they subsequently took all the “excellent women” as captured booty, either to become their sex slaves or to be sold as slaves to others.
In 626 AD Muhammad’s followers attacked the tribe of Banu-‘l-Mustaliq slaughtering many fellow Arab tribesmen and looting thousands of their camels and sheep. But prior to the attack many of the Arabs balked at the idea of attacking their fellow tribesmen, for they were kinsmen.
 After Muhammad’s convenient revelation, the Muslim Arabs dutifully attacked the caravan of the Banu-‘l-Mustaliq. They took their women as booty, which they planned to return to their kinsmen for a hefty ransom. The night after the battle Muhammad and his followers planned to brutally rape these women. But just prior to their night of sport, a minor point of dispute arose amongst them, which clearly illustrates the spiritually warped Islamic worldview.
According to one Abu Sa’id al-Khadri, they had promised the surviving tribesmen not to violate their captives in order to obtain their ransom demands. The Muslim warriors were torn between their greed for the ransom and their sexual lust for the women they captured.
Their promise to their kinsmen still plagued their conscience, and their ambivalence was caused by the fact that they yet coveted the ransom promised in the precondition that the women were not raped. Therefore, they rationalized amongst themselves that if they would just retract before ejaculation they would have honored their promise. This way, they could both rape the women and get their ransom. But seeing that Muhammad was with them, they thought to bring the matter to him for a definitive opinion.

“We…desired them, for we were suffering from the absence of our wives, but at the same time we also desired ransom for them. So we decided to have sexual intercourse with them, but by observing ‘azl [coitus interruptus]. But we said: We are doing an act whereas Allah’s Messenger is amongst us; why not ask him? So we asked Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him), and he said; it does not matter if you do not do it, for every soul that is to be born up to the Day of Resurrection will be born.” (Sahih Muslim, Book 8, Number 3371) [Parenthesis mine]

The Prophet essentially encouraged them to ejaculate within the victims, stating that who is to be born shall be born regardless of our actions. Thus, Muhammad completely legitimized the rape of the women and the breaking of the oath, which they had made with their kinsmen.
To the Muslim, an oath made with a non-Muslim is non-binding. All truces and contracts are but a ruse to gain superiority. Moreover, this erroneous, fatalistic view of history displayed by Muhammad’s response is deeply ingrained in Islam. This is nothing more than another satanic counterfeit that tries to do away with the consequences to our choices. Our will is free and our choices do matter. Fatalism is nothing more than a satanic counterfeit of the doctrine of Providence.
Fatalism stipulates that our choices are inconsequential because what will be, will be. But divine Providence stipulates that our choices do have consequences. In the end, in spite of our wrong choices, God is still sovereign. But, our choices are not made for us by fate.
Muhammad completely severed the ancient tribal bonds, which were based on honor and courage, and which allowed for some civility between the tribes in the Arab community. He effectively replaced it with the bond of the Islamic religion and legitimized the violent theft and murder of their kinsmen for illicit gain.
Through the divine mandates of Islam he legitimized their carnal lust for rape and provided for these tribesmen strong emotional and physical incentives to participate in these raids. The rape of their victims and the theft of their property and goods became a powerful incentive to wage war on all “infidels.”
Since, in their view infidels are the enemies of God, it matters not what barbarities are performed toward all unbelievers for this is the will of Allah. According to Islam, Allah wishes to kill all unbelievers and establish the religion of Muhammad above all peoples and nations.
 In Islam, there is no regard for the value of a promise, or an oath made to an infidel. But contrary to the Islamic faith, the One True Allah says, “Let your yes be yes and your no be no,” regardless of the faith of the one addressed.
 Nor is there any regard for the value and the dignity of the lives of non-Muslims, within the revelations of the Prophet.  The One True God of justice and righteousness would never justify the murder and subsequent theft of another man’s legitimately earned possessions.
The One True Allah teaches us to love our enemies and honor the marriage vows of all human beings. But in Islam, nothing that is done to a non-Muslim is illegal, under the Shari’a law that is imposed in their conquered territories. A Muslim could not have relations with a married woman of another Muslim, but even Muhammad wholeheartedly endorsed the rape of captives.

“And all married women are forbidden unto you except those captives whom your right hand possesses. It is a decree of Allah for you. Lawful unto you are all beyond those mentioned, so that you seek them with your wealth in honest wedlock, not debauchery.” (Koran, Surah 4: 24) (Emphasis mine)

“Lawful unto you are all beyond those mentioned,” hence Muhammad condoned the rape and enslavement of all non-Muslim women at the hands of their captors. Do not for one moment think that this is some ephemeral theological debate over trivialities.
This has been the practice of Islam from the very beginning and continues until today. It is a practice that was condoned by Muhammad himself from the very beginning. After beheading some 900 Jewish men in Medina of the Banu Qurayzah, they raped all their women and took them as slaves.
 Muhammad himself took as one of his concubines, a young and beautiful Jewish woman, named Raihana bint Amr, after she witnessed the brutal murder of her beloved husband and her father. This same scenario was repeated over and over again in every military raid and campaign for hundreds of years, without exceptions.
It happened in Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Persia, Afghanistan, India, Turkey, Hungary, Serbia, Spain and all of North Africa. It happened everywhere they conquered. All of the vanquished countries were raped and pillaged and their lands confiscated. The survivors were given the chance to become Muslims at the point of the sword, and if they refused, they were promptly beheaded.
 Those that survived the initial onslaught were reduced to slaves. Muhammad sanctioned this rapacious spirit, for it became the very fuel that motivated his warriors to expand his empire. The globalist aspiration of Islam has been from the very beginning fueled by a predatory spirit, which comes not from the One True Allah, but from the Enemy of Man.
And although many Muslims today would not condone some of the more terrible aspects of this terrorist, predatory mentality, they are nevertheless internally conflicted. They may outwardly abhor the brute violence of the terrorists, but they are internally in agreement with the global aspirations, which coincide with the Koranic teaching and the Hadith.
Deep in our hearts most human beings, who have not hardened their hearts through greed, acknowledge that it is wrong to kill innocent people to rob them of their wealth, land and even their wives and children. But in Islam the theft of another man’s hard earned property through war is heralded by the Hadith as the fastest way to accumulate wealth.

“Jihad is the best method of earning, both spiritual and temporal. If victory is won, there is enormous booty and conquest of a country, which cannot be equaled to any other source of earning. If there is defeat or death, there is everlasting Paradise and great spiritual benefit. This sort of Jihad is conditional upon pure motive (i.e. for establishing the kingdom of Allah on earth). (Mishkat II, p.253)

It strikes me as highly hypocritical to dangle before them the carrot, the enormous booty obtained through Jihad, and then in the same breath say that it must be undertaken with pure motives. By simply claiming that the murder and theft of others (which have done nothing to incite this violence upon them, other than believe differently) is being carried out for Allah, they automatically legitimize all their ruthless and wicked barbarities. This is utter nonsense. The Righteous Judge shall hold all men accountable for their deeds in the Great White Throne Judgment. You can dress murder and brigandry and pirating in spiritual garb, but it will not fool the One True God.

No other religion in the world calls for armed aggression to establish a global religious kingdom, which would force the entire human race at the point of the sword to submit to their particular faith. No other religion condones the theft of others hard earned property, as a practical impetus to motivate its adherents in order to create and rationalize the selfish greed that spurs them to wage war against others.

 Their recent denouncements of colonial aggression by western powers are absolutely hypocritical in light of their history and their openly stated imperialist goals. Furthermore, their hypocritical denouncements of western nations as Christian Crusaders are a flagrant misrepresentation of the historical facts. And although I do not believe that the Christian Crusades were pure in motive, it must be understood in the historical context in which they were executed. All the lands of the Middle East were taken from the Christians by the imperialistic aggression of the Muslims to begin with.
But, the land of Israel does not belong to the Gentiles. It belongs to the Jews. It was the Muslims that forcefully colonized the land of the Jews, which was occupied by Christians. But it did not belong to the Christians either. Six centuries before the Muslims invaded Palestine the Romans had expelled the Jews from their land. The Jews had dwelt in the Promised Land since they crossed the River Jordan with Joshua, some 1300 to 1400 years before Christ. The Promised Land belongs to the children of Israel, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham, to whom the promise was made.
The west must come to understand that the Muslim global aspirations are not exclusive to a few radical Muslims. This is the accepted goal of all Muslims, which adhere to the Koran and the Hadith. To aspire to anything less is to be a bad Muslim. Sadly, only bad Muslims are good Muslims. If they adhere to the strict definition and interpretation of the Koran, they must support the Jihadist ideology of violent terrorism.

The Profit of Jihad

The Koran in fact promotes the conquest of other lands through the promise of booty. That God should condone armed aggression toward others in order to rob them of their hard earned goods is a blasphemous travesty and an affront to the Holy One’s character. These are not the words of the One True God who says, “Thou shall not steal,” and “Thou shall not murder.”
The bloody and barbarous Muslim sword has ruthlessly impinged upon the necks of millions of human beings, throughout their long imperialist history. It must be noted that those supposedly “Christian nations,” which waged war on others for imperialist machinations, did so against the teachings of the Judeo-Christian worldview. But the heartless Muslim barbarity, which brought death and injustice upon millions, was not only allowed, but also utterly condoned by the Koran. This fundamental difference is of paramount importance.
When God visited judgment upon the Canaanites through the sword of Joshua, He made quite sure that not a single sheep, donkey, or any other earthly possession would be taken from them as booty. The motive for the military action was not greed for material gain, but holy judgment from a righteous God upon a nation whose wickedness had caused great bloodshed and misery. (Joshua 6:17)
 Their motives for attacking the Canaanites was not to rape, plunder and pillage. As a matter of fact, when an Israeli soldier named Achan took a beautiful mantle from Babylon, two hundred shekels of silver, and a bar of gold as booty and buried it under his tent, God caused judgment to come upon the Jews. And the guilty party was consequently brought to light and punished. (Joshua 7: 21-26)
 But, this is not so for Islam. The booty of war is understood, as a lawful and good reward, which has been directly given to them by Allah. This is not the God described in the Tanakh or the New Testament.

“You desire the lure of this world and Allah desires for you the hereafter and Allah is Mighty Wise. Now enjoy what you have won as lawful and good and keep your duty to Allah.” (Koran, Surah 69:30-37) (Emphasis mine)

Allah promiseth you much booty that you will capture, and hath given you this in advance, and hath withheld men’s hands from you, that it might be a token for the unbelievers, and that He may guide you on the right path. And other [gain] which you have been able to achieve, Allah will compass it.” (Koran, Surah 48:20,21) (Emphasis mine)

The plain fact is that every Muslim warrior was allowed to keep the plunder of those whom he had slain by his own hand. The rest of the spoil went into a common kitty to be distributed amongst them. But, a fifth of the spoil of war went to Muhammad, and in this way he soon became very rich and powerful.

They ask thee concerning the Prey. Say, the Prey is God’s and his Prophet’s…And know that whatever ye take as spoils of war, lo! A fifth thereof is for Allah, and for the messenger and for the kinsman.” (Koran, Surah 8: 41) (Emphasis mine)

This terrorist aggression, which has brought about the destruction of buildings, trains, buses, boats, homes, and the lives of countless innocent civilians is not a modern phenomenon as some have attempted to say. It is not the result of a radical sect of Islam.  It has been part of the Muslim practice from the very beginning.
Predation is the rule in Islam and Arabs would be wise to note that predation does not come from the mind of the One True Allah, but from Satan. Predation entered nature after the fall in the Garden. It is the evidence of Stan’s interference in the affairs of this world.
The west must understand that the Arab is not the culprit. It is the religion of Islam that turns the hearts of men toward predation. We must love the man and hate the sin. We must battle for the truth and expose the lie. We must lovingly confront the wickedness of Islam and understand that if we do not, we will become the victims of our naiveté.

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